De uitdagingen van een enterprise data marketplace

Publieke data marketplaces kennen we al heel lang. De laatste jaren is binnen organisaties een variant hiervan in opkomst gekomen: de enterprise data marketplace (ofwel dataloket). In deze sessie wordt behandeld wat de uitdagingen van het ontwikkelen van een eigen enterprise data marketplace is.

Agile Methods and Data Warehousing: How to Deliver Faster

Most people will agree that data warehousing and business intelligence projects take too long to deliver tangible results. This presentation will look at the 12 principles behind the Agile Manifesto and see how these approaches can be used to speed things up in the context of a data warehouse project.

Data Warehousing in Today and Beyond

The world of data warehousing has changed! With the advent of Big Data, Streaming Data, IoT, and The Cloud, what is a modern data management professional to do? This talk will endeavor to cut through the hype and the buzzword bingo to help you figure out what part of this is helpful.

Maak uw BI-project succesvol met Data-Driven Storytelling

Al jaren bestaat de wereld van Business Intelligence (BI) uit het bouwen van rapporten en dashboards. Echter, de BI-wereld om ons heen verandert snel. In deze sessie gaan we in op de veranderende BI-wereld en over de toepassing van data-driven storytelling binnen BI-projecten.

Becoming Data Driven – A Data Strategy for Success & Business Insight

In order to transform into a data-driven, digitally based organisation, a plan which spells out what must be done to is required. This session will outline how to produce a data strategy and supporting roadmap, and how to ensure that it becomes a living and agile blueprint for change rather than a statement of aspiration.

Data Quality & BI/DW – Not yet a marriage made in heaven

Our industry is littered with failed BI/DW projects, with an inability to resolve underlying data quality issues often cited as a primary reason for failure. This presentation tackles these issues and suggests how BI/DW and data quality can and must support each other.